Make the most of your Digital Ad Campaign

You’re here because you’ve chosen to run paid social advertising around your Seedrs crowdfunding campaign. Yay!

This guide provides everything you need to know about making sure your campaign goes smoothly, including:

What to expect

Once you have purchased a digital ad package, you will be sent a form to fill in, which will include your audience targeting preferences, uploading creative assets and inputting ad copy suggestions.

Please submit ASAP and at least 1 week before your planned go-live date.

Seedrs will then work closely with our 3rd party agency, Creative Nerds, to build draft ads for your review, sign off the content as a financial promotion, and make any amends necessary before setting up the campaign.


7 Days
before live

You submit your digital ads form

Working Days

We send draft ads for your review

Working Days

You send any final amends or feedback

Ads are set live - 1 week run time for pre-registration campaigns, 2 weeks+ run time for live campaigns

Live Date

We will create and test different combinations of ad images and copy from your submission to arrive on the best result!

Your ads will run across Meta (Facebook and Instagram) in various placements, including in the feed, the Meta Audience Network and in stories.

Creative do's and don'ts

Your creative assets can make or break your ad campaign. Catch your audience’s attention quickly!


  • Use short, snappy videos (we recommend 15-30 second edits)
  • Add a human touch - whether that is by introducing your founder(s) or with content captured by customers who currently use your product, tell your story through people
  • Use subtitles on videos and feel free to make these stand out using popping text and keywords that will resonate with your target audience
  • Take time to look at what other brands are running as ads. To get some inspiration, you can access the Facebook Ads Library and ‘stalk’ your competitors.
  • Use square (1:1) or vertical (4:5) video formats
  • Upload images with copy on them
  • Ensure copy conveys what you do and what you are trying to achieve in a succinct way (for those who don’t know you), whilst generating curiosity
  • Make sure images aren’t blurry
  • Use square (1:1) image formats and if possible to add a second image format, please add a vertical one (4:5)
  • Images and videos don’t have to be professionally done or ‘studio’ style - actually, content that feels more authentic can resonate better with your audience
  • Send a combination of images and videos for best results


  • Upload video files longer than 1 minute -
    Meta will de-prioritise them in the algorithm
  • Upload images or videos that don’t tell your brand story in the first few seconds of viewing
  • Upload horizontal assets, as these are not optimized for mobile





For more ideas around image content, check out this guide from our agency, Creative Nerds.

For more ideas around video content, see what ads are currently performing well on TikTok. Whilst we’re not explicitly advertising on TikTok, it’s a platform that uses video to an advantage and has some of the more ‘organic’ approach to video ads that have helped big brands engage with their consumer

Understanding your reporting dashboard

What is your digital ad dashboard?

A place to view your Meta ad results in real time, including revenue generated, creative performance and audience targeting.

Navigating through your dashboard

Use the arrows below your report title to go through the full results.

What are the different types of campaigns?

Lead campaigns: these are only run when you are in the pre-registration stage to encourage people to sign up for your campaign updates.

Purchase campaigns: these are run when your fundraising campaign is live on Seedrs to encourage people to invest.

What do the different metrics mean on my dashboard?

  • Purchases: the number of times people have invested on Seedrs from this ad.
  • Revenue: the total amount invested on Seedrs from the ad campaign.*
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): total revenue divided by spend.
  • Leads: the number of people that have signed up for priority access to your campaign on Seedrs from this ad (number of prospects).
  • Cost per lead: How much we have spent to generate each lead (the total spend divided by number of leads).

*The revenue is the total amount invested into Seedrs from your campaign. While it is most likely that people who visit the site from your ad will invest in your campaign, this figure may include investment into other campaigns on the site.

Who do we target with the ads?

We use 3 types of audience to target: sector interests (using Meta's data), investor interests (using Seedrs data), and previous web visitors (using our pixel data). Our ability to target our existing database of Seedrs investors via digital ads is our USP and what gives us a high success rate in terms of ROI. The ads are also approved as financial promotions via our team.

Can we share each other’s pixel data?

Unfortunately not. Due to GDPR rules, we can’t share our pixel data.

My ads are performing worse/better than expected. What can we do?

You can monitor your ads’ performance in real time, so we can pause if you aren’t happy, or increase spend if they are performing well.

My ad shows a level of investment that doesn’t match with my campaign.

We monitor all investment into the Seedrs platform from your ad campaign. While it is most likely they will invest in you, they may visit fellow entrepreneurs’ campaigns on the site and invest in them as well, meaning that the investment figure will not exactly correspond with your data.

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